Core Talent


Ask An Apprentice

Today we chat with someone who completed an apprenticeship programme several years ago, and it is a testament to how well they work.

David Nesbitt, Founder and Director of Core Talent Recruitment has been in Recruitment for over 20 years. Before that, he worked in engineering positions at Ford, Hyde Group, and Mahr GmbH.

We talked to David about his engineering journey, which began with an apprenticeship when he was 16.

‘When I reached 16, I had to think about what I really wanted to do. I knew I wanted to stay in education, but I also wanted to be earning. 

My family suggested I look at an apprenticeship. 

I discovered it was a perfect option for me the more I investigated it. I could get my qualifications paid for, earn money, and gain valuable work experience at the same time.

I enrolled in a 4-year EITB (Engineering Industry Training Board) Engineering Apprenticeship.  

This included being sponsored by an aerospace business, which meant I gained some fantastic work experience as I rotated in Design, Production, Quality, Assembly. I also attended customer meetings, giving me comprehensive engineering and manufacturing processes expertise. I was working and studying for my qualifications in Engineering & Manufacturing simultaneously. 

When I finished my apprenticeship, I went on to earn my degree a 1st Class - B.Eng. (Hons.) at Salford University. On Graduating, I went straight into a position at Ford, having the qualification and experience helped me get into this role.’

Why would you recommend an apprenticeship?

'There are considerable benefits to an apprenticeship. It allows you to get a qualification and excellent vocational work experience in a few years, in exchange for a salary and hard work. I would do it all over again.’

If you would like to find out more about apprenticeships in the UK, visit or contact us here at Core Talent if you are looking for an apprenticeship opportunity with us


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